
Player: Satanis
Campaign: Silent Darkness
Deity: none
Homeland: Unknown
Character Traits
Class / Level: Bard 1/ Sorcerer 1Alignment: Neutral Good
Initiative: +4
Speed: 20
Strength: 11Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 18
Melee: Rapier (1d4+1/18-20x2)Ranged: shortbow (1d4/x3)
Base Attack Bonus: +0
CMB: +0
CMD: 15
HP: 20AC: 16
Fort: 4
Ref: 7
Will: 7
Appraise:5, Heal:3, Knowledge(A):5, Perception:6, Perform(TBD):8, Sleight of Hand:6, Spellcraft:4 Stealth:8Feats
Eschew Materials, Weapon FinesseSpecial Abilities
Combat Gear: Instrument:TBDOther Gear: N/A
any special notesBackground
The unfortunate truth about Ozimos's past, much like other Halflings, is that he began his career in the traveling performer's caravan as a slave. He assisted with setting up the stage, the tables and chairs. Any task that was befitting for an extra body, but not necessarily extra muscle, Oz was assigned the job and rewarded with not much more than table scraps from the groups actual performers. He wasn't very strong, however he was recognized for his agility, attention to detail in his chores as well as his loyalty. Despite how he might have been treated by the taskmasters, he was always looking forward to the next act and the bemused or awestruck reactions from the crowd the group entertained. He discovered that he would give anything to be one of the actors or the illusionists that hypnotized the crowd with his words or flashy tricks.
He began to practice on his own time, mimicking the tricks and quoting tales of fallen heroes of the past. He was soon discovered by one of the actresses, a female human bard of no small talent, but instead of scolding the Halfling for what the taskmasters would have thought as foolishness, Karan watched in silence as Oz performed a perfect trick using sleight of hand making a coin disappear and reappear in another. It was something considered simple and mindless to someone with as much skill as Karan, but the length that small act can go is enough to tantalize a crowd ranging from children to grown adults. Karan was impressed with how fluid Oz's exaggerated movements were and his control of balance as he even performed a small dance while doing so. When the Halfling turned to see one of his secret role models sitting right behind him and witnessing his secret work, he was horrified! Prepared to receive mockery, he was instead met with an exclaim of admiration and what was most unexpected, the proposal of being a mentor!
With Karan's guidance, Oz's skill increased ten-fold. He learned how to use various instruments to some degree but as Karan, he focused most of his talent in illusions and magic. Instead of coins dancing from hand to hand, he used magical lights that blinked on and off through his control and concentration. It was soon after that Karan confronted the group's leader, Tronis, with her apprentice at her side. In the leader's tent, Karan had Oz perform all that he had learn. He did so with great enthusiasm as this was his moment and he could not fail. He could feel the leader's eyes watching every gesture, listen to each word spoken as he told tales and using Bardic magic to enhance the story with sounds of battle and fearsome roars of monsters. When Oz finished his performance with a bow, the caravan leader stood and placed his hand on Oz's shoulder. He told him that he was more than worthy of donning the title of actor within their group but was still only an apprentice to Karan and start off with performing for the children's shows. To anyone else, this may have been considered a very low recognition of talent, but to Ozimos, it was the grandest honor. He was finally beginning to reach his goal! To perform even for children was better than watching from the sidelines. It was then, that his career as a Bard began.
Months later, Oz had perfected the acts that he had and began to take on others. He never grew lazy on gaining more knowledge or perfecting his skills. Each night he practiced, either by himself or under Karan's gentle guidance. On a day the caravan was performing for a town just on the outskirts of Westcrown, Oz was to begin performing on the hour in addition to the children's show. It was physically taxing, but rewarding as the passing merchants, guards, and other townspeople would throw coins into a hat that was laid upside-down on the ground in front of Oz. That evening, a crowd began to gather when Oz started to use his magic to call upon dancing lights around his hands. He was doing well with the illusion of catching a light in his hand then showing it gone only to find it in someone's ear when suddenly he saw a shimmer on his hand. The crowd didn't notice, but he saw a very quick, small streak of energy flash from his wrist to his palm. His concentration broke, and the lights disappeared. Some members of the crowd grumbled about unskilled performers not worth their money and a child somewhere in the crowd whined about wanting to see more. Oz quickly tried to cast the spell again calling for dancing lights before he lost his customers but to his horror, the flashes appeared again, only more defined and focused, appearing as though lightning itself was dancing up and down his hands. Ozimos panicked and tried to flick his wrist and shake his hand to stop this strange phenomena when suddenly the energy that had been building up was released. Small rays of lightning was shot out into the crowd, causing a state of hysteria and fear. The crowd ran in all directions, some calling for the guards, some calling for a healer as some had small burns. Children cried for parents or sat wide-eyed at Oz in complete shock and horror. Oz was so frightened, not only for what has happened but what punishment he might receive, that he fled the scene.
Oz ran as fast as he could away from the site as well as the faces of the horrified crowd that has been burned into his memory. He finally made it to his tent where he could think for a moment, still panting from the event as well as the run.
"Should he tell Tronis? What would he do? Would his leader turn him over to the guards or punish Oz, himself? Gods, what would he tell Karan?" Oz began to shake with fear over these thoughts. He couldn't bear to see what Karan's expression would show if told about the mistake. Without another thought, Ozimos gathered his small collection of belongings and ran off into the night.