
Player: Thredok
Campaign: Silent Darkness
Deity: none
Homeland: The Enclave
Character Traits
Class / Level: Warlock 8Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Initiative: +4
Speed: 20
Strength: 12Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 19
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 22(26)
Melee: Cane(Heavy Mace) (1d6/20x2)Ranged: Arcane Bolt (4d6)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2
CMB: +7
CMD: 21
HP: 34AC: 18
Fort: 6
Ref: 6
Will: 9
Acrobatics+7, Appraise+3, Bluff+14, Climb+2(+4), Craft: Alchemy+13, Diplomacy+8, Discuise+7, Escape Artist+4, Fly+4, Heal+3, Intimidate+11, Knowledge(Arcana)+11, Knowledge(Plains)+11, Lingquistics+11, Perception+5, Perform+6, Ride+4, Sense Motive+11, SpellCraft+13, Stealth+8, Survival+3, Swim+2, Use Magic Device+16Feats
Arcane Armor Mastery(Light, Medium), Armor Mastery(Light, Medium), Magical Aptitude, Spell PenetrationSpecial Abilities
Low Light Vision, 1/day Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation,and Speak with Animals, Keen Senses, Obsessive, DR 4/Cold Iron, Fiendish Resilience 1, Detect Magic at will, Deceive Item.Gear
Combat Gear: Studded Leather Armor, Potion of Bull StrengthOther Gear: Mule, Phil the dog, Backpack, Belt Pouch, Flint & Steel, Torches(10), Trail Rations(20), Hemp Rope(100'), Water Skin(3), Gallon Keg of Ale, Sacks w/ Drawstrings(5), Pole(10'), Canvas(5'x6'), Ring of Climbing +2, Necklace +4 to Cha, Potion of Bull Strength, Holy Water, Zoots once a year pot
Soul currently owned by MethuselahBackground
Trenebricosus or Glim as his current companions know him was raised in an institution known as "The Enclave" both of his parents were sorcerers on the staff. His mother Brethana died giving birth and his father (whos name was never spoken and thus is unknown to Trenebricosus) was banished for the research he was doing. Later it was revealed to him that this research was infact the selling of not only his soul but those of all of his line to the entitiy known as Methuselah in exchange for access to the being's power. When Trenebricosus started showing simular displays of power in the form of setting part of the main building on fire he was also run out without anyone explaining to him what was going on. He spent the next few years wondering Corsica searching out information on his father and his own powers. The world was not kind, his striking apperance and small stature made him an instant target for thugs and cutpurses, the powers he displayed in selfdefence made him a target for angry mobs and "religious cleansings." A few years of that and he started looking for something else, power (sins of the father and all that), the power to not only protect himself but to comand respect. He has plans of amasing enough power and gold to build his own place away from the world, a place that would allow himself and other misunderstood beings to live without constant fear of the church and so called "Heroes". So where else does he turn but to one who had already accomplised this, Xonn the Wizardking of Valenshire.