Jace Claremont

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Jace Claremont is a knight of Heironeous. Although, he never really had much choice. He came from a family of wealthy merchants with a history of nobility. At the age of 6, his father, Lucius Claremont, brought him to the Order for training. He was instructed as a page, and then a squire, and finally a knight of the cloth. The Church was really the only life he had ever known. He never saw his family again. He could have, but deep inside he felt abandoned. He did not want to return home to see all the things that might have been, all the things that he could have been. He understood why his father did what he did, and Jace did not hate him for it. But he always thought that if he were to ever look into his father's eyes and see no remorse, then regardless of oath or order, he would probably run him through. But now the Church is in chaos. The Gods have abandoned their people, and Jace must finally choose his path, instead of have it chosen for him. Will he follow the well-worn road that he has been set upon, the road that his ancestors have traveled for ages, or will he strike out and make his own way into a shrouded and troubling future? Not even the Gods can tell.