The Fornax and its Crew

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The Dynamic-Class freighter now known as "The Fornax" has been banging around the galaxy for years under one name or another but its current crew could be the most unique. The captain is a Chiss, not so uncommon as it once was, but he is a bit odd by most accounts.

Captain Faber once pulled a blaster on an unsuspecting dock technician who offered to memory-wipe Arfore for him after hearing the little droid asking a Loader-droid about its union rep. It is rumored that he works for the Hutts, or at least owes them some money, but then again not much difference between then two.

The Crew

Model: R4 Series Astromech Droid “Arfore” Arfore was the first droid that Faber purchased, using him as an assistant for his new salvage/repair/transportation business. Lots of time spent together and Faber’s aversion to memory wipes on functional units, lead the little astromech to developing a noticeable personality of its own. It even saved Faber’s life once when he became ill from a shipment of statues started leaking radiation. Faber managed to dump the shipment but not before getting a dose of radiation poisoning, when he collapsed it was Arfore who brought the ship to a medical facility and informed the computers there of the situation. Later it was found that someone had used less refined plasma than is standard for the design and it had deteriorated into a more volatile substance (ooc think radioactive lava lamps).

Model: FEG-Series Pilot Droid “Feegee” Feegee was the result of Faber’s first bonus that a client gave him. Figuring he could kill two mynocks with one bolt he purchased the pilot droid to watch the ship when he was out of it and to allow him to get some sleep on his longer trips. Feegee’s worth was proven very soon when he help Faber escape from the very “merchants” that had sold Feegee too him, seems they figured they could ambush the freighter in space, and add to the credits from the sell, with the ship and the resale of Feegee, and a slave. Feegee later explained that Faber was the first owner to remove the modified restraining bolts that the pirates had installed on him, usually they just shut Feegee down using the long range caller they had, by the time most of the previous owners figured out what was going on the pirates would have already attached to the ship. Instead when Feegee saw them approach he fired upon them taking out their main engines and leaving them to limp home.

Model: GH-7 Medical Droid “Gee-Aitch” Gee-aitch is the only droid Faber didn’t actually buy. On one of his first passenger trips he was bringing an older businessman to the backwater world he grew up on. He said he was dying and just wanted to see his brother one more time. Gee-aitch had been his primary care provider for many years, and tended to tut over him like a worried nursemaid. Well of course he died during the flight, and Faber was to be paid after the trip, so they continue on to the planet hoping the brother would pay for the trip (one can always hope). . . No the brother wouldn’t be paying, he had died some five years before, the nephew hadn’t been heard from for ten years prior to that and the niece was a pinch faced woman who had never met her uncle and only knew him as the guy who borrowed a crippling amount of money from her father and never paid it back. “Was that his droid? Looks like it would be some credits.” “ Why no ma’am this is my droid, that’s why I was hired, the on board medical staff, take care now. “ So away Faber went, no credits but a new line for his pitch, “On board medical staff”, had an air of respectability about it. Besides it was nice after what the Hutt’s goons did to him for being late on that cycle’s payment.

Model: PK Worker Droid “Pick” and "Pack" "The Twins" Pick and Pack are the most recent additions to the crew, purchased very recently to help with loading and unloading. Faber hasn’t had time to do much other than program in Chiss (which he likes to use when working on a project) and upgrading their Mechanics skills so they can help Arfore with repairs, it had nothing to do with Faber wanting extra hands for his projects, really. He hasn’t even had time to install the Integrated Comlinks or Heuristic processor he likes for all his crew to have.