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- 10:42, 28 December 2017 Ramsden Wither (hist | edit) [605 bytes] Psywarrior (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Pathfindersheet| image=Jenstyles_Tribal_Cross.jpg| sheettype=Pathfinder| playername=NPC| campaign=Sea of Shadows| CharacterName=Ramsden Wither| Race=Human|...")
- 10:37, 28 December 2017 Uriscu Nomiud (hist | edit) [587 bytes] Psywarrior (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Pathfindersheet| image=Jenstyles_Tribal_Cross.jpg| sheettype=Pathfinder| playername=NPC| campaign=Sea of Shadows| CharacterName=Uriscu Nomiud| Race=Drow|...")
- 10:20, 28 December 2017 The Rabid Eye (hist | edit) [61 bytes] Psywarrior (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The Rabid Eye''' <br> <br> The flagship of the Sea Wolves.")
- 10:18, 28 December 2017 The Hunter (hist | edit) [289 bytes] Psywarrior (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The Hunter''' <br> <br> "Welcome to the Hunter, she may be small, but she's one of the fastest set o' sails on the Sea of Shadows." <br> A small twin masted ship and two se...")
- 07:17, 28 December 2017 Sea of Shadows (hist | edit) [247 bytes] Psywarrior (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{PathfinderCampaign| campaignname=Sea of Shadows| image=| setting=Eldrigon| gm=Psywarrior| description=<pre> </pre>| pcs=| npcs=| Locations=| houserules=None yet| }}")
- 07:15, 28 December 2017 Bawoldia (D&D 5e Table Top) (hist | edit) [346 bytes] Psywarrior (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{PathfinderCampaign| campaignname=Bawoldia| image=| setting=Eldrigon| gm=Krathognis| description=<pre>:</pre>| pcs=| npcs=| Locations=| houserules=None yet| }}")
- 06:57, 28 December 2017 Eldrigon (hist | edit) [79 bytes] Psywarrior (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Pathfinder/D&D Campaign| campaignname=Eldrigon| image=Sigil.jpg| setting=Eldrigon| gm=Psywarrior| description=| }}")
- 04:44, 22 December 2017 Main Page (hist | edit) [1,177 bytes] MediaWiki default (talk)