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Reflex Tacsuit
These tactical suits are chemically-coated, contamination-proof coveralls made of flexible ballistic fabric. The suit has a split DR, it provides full DR against cutting and piercing damage, and half DR against other damage types. The suit is very comfortable to wear, thanks to its internal microclimate control system. Tacsuits incorporate biomedical sensors. With an air mask or combat infantry helmet, the suit is sealed and provides climate control (-40° F to 120°F).

Vacc suit Variant
The same as the Tacsuit, but it incorporate a mechanical counter-pressure system which uses elastic layers in direct contact with the skin to prevent the expansion of gases and water vapor in blood vessels and tissues, it also has integral oxygen tanks.

TL Type Location DR Cost Weight Power LC
9 Reflex Tacsuit all 20/10* $3,000 15 C/12 hr. 2
9 Reflex Vacc Suit all 20/10* $12,000 30 2C/24 hr. 2

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