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Max 60 points in Disadvantages
Max 60 points in Disadvantages

Tech Level 9 with some areas touching 10
Tech Level 9 with level 10 items requiring GM approval.
<br>No magic or psionics.
<br>No magic or psionics.

Revision as of 09:04, 13 June 2011

Still in pregame preparations

There is a Slow Burn in the people of Night City. You can see it in the eyes, the bloodshot stare of of the junky in Northside, the feverish gaze of the gamblers in Charter Hill, even the finance kings in Corp Center have a low simmer behind their cool detachment. But if you have the nerve to find them and meet their gaze, its the shadow dwellers, those who work in the cracks between the megacorps. In them its the slow burning of a fuse, and even they don't know how long it is.

Slow Burn is a GURPS based game pulling elements and inspiration from Cyberpunk 2020, Shadowrun, William Gibson, and anything else that catches my eye.

First off this is not our earth, think of it as an alternate time-line/dimension, that should cover any discrepancies or flaws in your suspension of disbelief. The year is 2070, natural and industrial disasters have made large chunks of the world uninhabitable, and technology has advanced by leaps and bounds to compensate. Synthetic foods, enclosed arkologies, low orbit space stations,robots and robotics in all shapes and sizes, brain to computer interfaces, leading to a full immersion digital world, lets call it "The Matrix", and the latest and greatest, Augmented Reality. AR is now a part of daily life, super imposing images and sounds over the real world, helping people ignore their humdrum lives with social networks, news feeds, advertisements, directions to the closest soy-dog stand, entertainment, and a dozen other things. It is so pervasive in fact that if you don't have your comm-link on at the least you will get odd looks from people, at the worst the cops will bring you in for questioning over your "suspicious behavior."

Corporations and individuals have need of expendable, deniable assets. That's you, expendable and deniable, after all you don't show up on any of their payrolls, heck you might not show up on any records. You are a mercenary, a runner, a shadow person. You might be a cold blooded killer, a wheel/wing/boat/drone-man, a finesser of all things digital, a street doc, or maybe just a charming smile in a forgettable face. If you are a specialist, someone has need of your skills and discretion.

Basic Information

System: GURPS 4th Edition

Build Points 150 Max 100 points in Attributes Max 60 points in Disadvantages

Tech Level 9 with level 10 items requiring GM approval.
No magic or psionics.

Available Books For Players:
-Basic Set Characters
-I would also recommend GURPS 3rd Edition Cyberpunk and Cyberworld for inspiration. You will have to find the 4th Edition counterpart in one of the above books but still a lot of good ideas.

A note on Advantages/Disadvantages. They must be reasonable/relevant. Most advantages will come in the form of cyber or bioware, too much and I might impose penalties for social interactions just a heads up. No stacking disadvantages such as blind and color blind, and one eye, you get the idea. As usual all advantages and disadvantages are subject to GM approval, a bit of background or concept as to the reason a character has this advantage/disadvantage will help it get approved.

For Cyberware this is a useful guide for coming up with costs Pyramid: Better, Stronger, Faster: Basic Cybernetics for GURPS 4th Edition