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tusserk is a trandoshan, trandoshans are from trandosha which is located in the middle rim of the galaxy.  It is an arid planet and it 99% trandoshan. there government is tribal. trandoshons are very violent, brutal, and driven they also live to compete with each other and other races but they can also show love and compassion if they feel so. these guys love the thrill of battle. some leave there planet to became bounty hunters and or mercenaries they love to hunt explore and alout of them also be come solders and there favorite foe is the wookeys. but tusserk is differnt he was never was raesed on trandosha he was picked up by a imperial scout party when he was at a yung age after the tribe he was a part of was wiped out by a by a rival clan or tribe but what he didn't know at the time was his tribe was tribe dosh ans tribes say that that clan dosh was the reson for the dosh languge but it was ever a big tribe so they never head as one of the top tribes. affter tusserk was found the troobers took him in as there owned and taught him everything they new about the empire and how to become a storm trooper when he became of age to jone so he ate and sleeped milatery tackits and squad formationsjust like his race he is determined to the best of what he dose or die tring to do so also as he got older he came acros the facked that slug thrower weapons will cut throw plastoed armor like butter because plastoed armer onley deflect energy tipe weapons so true to his people he can just as brutal and clever ans the best of them but the funny thing is that he wear plastoed armor because some like the foe he will be up agents will have energy bast armor so he be using low tec sutff they kill just the same way as there rest but faster he also cares one thermela detanater for thows hard jobs . so tusserk is determend to be the best squad leder in his legen so a time wint on he stats to work his way up in the army and get permoshones, he stars to wounder what happen to his family how did he get to were am. so he goes to his step family ans asks they said that they did not real know were out scouting the arya and we found some tranks of a trandshon war party so we folwed them for a miel and then we came acros bernt out encampment and we found you in one of the tents so we took you in as are little trooper and took car of you of cores we got flack for taking you in but we bunt the rules this time and tusserk thout that was kind of fish that there were sticked ruls on stuff like that so it dosunt check out so he did some dig and he tried to fond out something about why they were on trandosha but all files were classified so he goes and to his steap famely and askes them what real hapend to the tribe of trandoshons that they found and they said with a syah well what happend was this and they said that the empier was doing weapons testing in the regone and there they were testing biow wepons like gases and others stuff like that so one day we get a call to check out a test site and see what the rezults were of what ever they testing in the                             
tusserk is a trandoshan, trandoshans are from trandosha which is located in the middle rim of the galaxy.  It is an arid planet and it 99% trandoshan. there government is tribal. trandoshons are very violent, brutal, and driven they also live to compete with each other and other races but they can also show love and compassion if they feel so. these guys love the thrill of battle. some leave there planet to became bounty hunters and or mercenaries they love to hunt explore and alout of them also be come solders and there favorite foe is the wookeys. but tusserk is differnt he was never was raesed on trandosha he was picked up by a imperial scout party when he was at a yung age after the tribe he was a part of was wiped out by a by a rival clan or tribe but what he didn't know at the time was his tribe was tribe dosh ans tribes say that that clan dosh was the reson for the dosh languge but it was ever a big tribe so they never head as one of the top tribes. affter tusserk was found the troobers took him in as there owned and taught him everything they new about the empire and how to become a storm trooper when he became of age to jone so he ate and sleeped milatery tackits and squad formationsjust like his race he is determined to the best of what he dose or die tring to do so also as he got older he came acros the facked that slug thrower weapons will cut throw plastoed armor like butter because plastoed armer onley deflect energy tipe weapons so true to his people he can just as brutal and clever ans the best of them but the funny thing is that he wear plastoed armor because some like the foe he will be up agents will have energy bast armor so he be using low tec sutff they kill just the same way as there rest but faster he also cares one thermela detanater for thows hard jobs . so tusserk is determend to be the best squad leder in his legen so a time wint on he stats to work his way up in the army and get permoshones, he stars to wounder what happen to his family how did he get to were am. so he goes to his step family ans asks they said that they did not real know were out scouting the arya and we found some tranks of a trandshon war party so we folwed them for a miel and then we came acros bernt out encampment and we found you in one of the tents so we took you in as are little trooper and took car of you of cores we got flack for taking you in but we bunt the rules this time and tusserk thout that was kind of fish that there were sticked ruls on stuff like that so it dosunt check out so he did some dig and he tried to fond out something about why they were on trandosha but all files were classified so he goes and to his steap famely and askes them what real hapend to the tribe of trandoshons that they found and they said with a syah well what happend was this and they said that the empier was doing weapons testing in the regone and there they were testing biow wepons like gases and others stuff like that so one day we get a call to check out a test site and see what the rezults were of what ever they testing in the                             

i am not dune with this to tiered to finish
i am not dune with this to tiered to finish

Revision as of 01:27, 6 October 2009

tusserk is a trandoshan, trandoshans are from trandosha which is located in the middle rim of the galaxy. It is an arid planet and it 99% trandoshan. there government is tribal. trandoshons are very violent, brutal, and driven they also live to compete with each other and other races but they can also show love and compassion if they feel so. these guys love the thrill of battle. some leave there planet to became bounty hunters and or mercenaries they love to hunt explore and alout of them also be come solders and there favorite foe is the wookeys. but tusserk is differnt he was never was raesed on trandosha he was picked up by a imperial scout party when he was at a yung age after the tribe he was a part of was wiped out by a by a rival clan or tribe but what he didn't know at the time was his tribe was tribe dosh ans tribes say that that clan dosh was the reson for the dosh languge but it was ever a big tribe so they never head as one of the top tribes. affter tusserk was found the troobers took him in as there owned and taught him everything they new about the empire and how to become a storm trooper when he became of age to jone so he ate and sleeped milatery tackits and squad formationsjust like his race he is determined to the best of what he dose or die tring to do so also as he got older he came acros the facked that slug thrower weapons will cut throw plastoed armor like butter because plastoed armer onley deflect energy tipe weapons so true to his people he can just as brutal and clever ans the best of them but the funny thing is that he wear plastoed armor because some like the foe he will be up agents will have energy bast armor so he be using low tec sutff they kill just the same way as there rest but faster he also cares one thermela detanater for thows hard jobs . so tusserk is determend to be the best squad leder in his legen so a time wint on he stats to work his way up in the army and get permoshones, he stars to wounder what happen to his family how did he get to were am. so he goes to his step family ans asks they said that they did not real know were out scouting the arya and we found some tranks of a trandshon war party so we folwed them for a miel and then we came acros bernt out encampment and we found you in one of the tents so we took you in as are little trooper and took car of you of cores we got flack for taking you in but we bunt the rules this time and tusserk thout that was kind of fish that there were sticked ruls on stuff like that so it dosunt check out so he did some dig and he tried to fond out something about why they were on trandosha but all files were classified so he goes and to his steap famely and askes them what real hapend to the tribe of trandoshons that they found and they said with a syah well what happend was this and they said that the empier was doing weapons testing in the regone and there they were testing biow wepons like gases and others stuff like that so one day we get a call to check out a test site and see what the rezults were of what ever they testing in the

i am not dune with this to tiered to finish