Oath Blade: Difference between revisions

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(New page: {{Magic Item: Weapon| image=Oathblade.gif‎| aura=Strong Evocation| cl=15th| slot=none| price=25,600 gp| weight=6| requirements=Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be an elf| cost=...)
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{{Magic Item: Weapon|
{{Magic Item: Weapon|

aura=Strong Evocation|
aura=Strong Evocation|

Latest revision as of 22:58, 23 July 2010

Aura: Strong Evocation
CL: 15th
Slot: none

Price: 25,600 gp
Weight: 6


Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be an elf
Cost: 13,100 gp


Of elven make, this solid white +2 bastard sword whispers, "Swift defeat to my enemies" in Elven when drawn. Once per day, if the wielder swears aloud to slay her target (a free action), the sword's whisper becomes the shout "Death to those who have wronged me!" Against such a sworn enemy, the sword has a +5 enchantment bonus and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage (and x3 on a critical hit instead of the normal x2). After an enemy has been sworn, the sword is treated as only a masterwork weapon against all foes other than the sworn enemy, and the wielder takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls with any weapon other than the Oath Blade. These bonuses and penalties last for 7 days or until the sworn enemy is slain or destroyed by the wielder, which ever comes first.

The Oath Blade may only have one sworn enemy at a time. Once the wielder swears to slay a target, he cannot make a new oath until he has slain that target or 7 days have passed. Even if the wielder slays the sworn enemy on the same day that he makes the oath, he cannot activate the Oath Blade's special power again until 24 hours have passed from the time he made the oath.