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Use Rope                7|
Use Rope                7|

feats= '''Armor Proficiency: Heavy'''.<BR>
feats= '''Armor Proficiency: Heavy'''<BR>
'''Weapon Specialization: Greatsword'''<BR>
'''Improved Initiative'''<BR>
'''Leap Attack'''<BR>
'''Spring Attack'''<BR>
'''Combat Reflexes'''<BR>
'''Weapon Focus: Greatsword'''<BR>
'''Armor Proficiency: Medium'''<BR>
'''Greater Weapon Focus : Greatsword'''<BR>
'''Whirlwind Attack'''<BR>
'''Tower Shield Proficiency'''<BR>
'''Greater Weapon Specialization: Greatsword'''<BR>
'''Simple Weapon Proficiency'''<BR>
'''Power Attack'''<BR>
'''Quick Draw'''<BR>
'''Shield Proficiency'''<BR>
'''Improved Critical: Greatsword'''<BR>
'''Great Cleave'''<BR>
'''Armor Proficiency: Light'''<BR>
'''Monkey Grip'''<BR>
'''Combat Expertise'''<BR>|

combat= |
combat= +5 Glassteel Greatsword: Flaming Burst, Keen, Ghost Touch|
other= Chalk(3)<br>Crowbar<br>Masterwork Manacles<br>Masterwork Thieves' Tools<br>Oil(1)<br>Potion of Cats Grace(2)<br>Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds(3)<br>Smokestick(2)<br>Torch(3)|
other= +5 Adamantine Full Plate: Ghost Touch, Amulet of Natural Armor, Bag of Holding, Belt of Giant Strength, Boots of Teleportation, Bracers of Armor, Cloak of Charisma, Gloves of Dexterity, Headband of Intellect, Ring of Protection, Ring of Regeneration|

notes= any special notes|

Line 78: Line 100:

<BR>Back to [[Citadel of the Planes]]

Latest revision as of 19:41, 18 June 2010

Sheet Type: D&D 3.5
Player: NPC
Campaign: Citadel of the Planes

Deity: none
Homeland: Sigil

Character Traits

Class / Level: Fighter/Epic
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Initiative: +11
Speed: 20


Strength: 26
Dexterity: 25
Constitution: 20
Intelligence: 24
Wisdom: 18
Charisma: 24


Melee: +5 Glassteel Greatsword +35 (2d6+21+1d6/17-20x2)
Base Attack Bonus: +20


HP: 224
AC: 34
Fort: 17
Ref: 13
Will: 10


Appraise 7
Balance 3
Bluff 7
Climb 27
Craft (Untrained) 5
Diplomacy 8
Disguise 7
Escape Artist 3
Forgery 7
Gather Information 7
Handle Animal 30
Heal 4
Hide 3
Intimidate 30
Jump 21
Listen 15
Move Silently 3
Perform (Untrained) 7
Ride 32
Search 7
Sense Motive 4
Spot 15
Survival 4
Swim 0
Use Rope 7


Armor Proficiency: Heavy
Weapon Specialization: Greatsword
Improved Initiative
Leap Attack
Spring Attack
Combat Reflexes
Weapon Focus: Greatsword
Armor Proficiency: Medium
Greater Weapon Focus : Greatsword
Whirlwind Attack
Tower Shield Proficiency
Greater Weapon Specialization: Greatsword
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Power Attack
Quick Draw
Shield Proficiency
Improved Critical: Greatsword
Great Cleave
Armor Proficiency: Light
Monkey Grip
Combat Expertise

Special Abilities


Combat Gear: +5 Glassteel Greatsword: Flaming Burst, Keen, Ghost Touch
Other Gear: +5 Adamantine Full Plate: Ghost Touch, Amulet of Natural Armor, Bag of Holding, Belt of Giant Strength, Boots of Teleportation, Bracers of Armor, Cloak of Charisma, Gloves of Dexterity, Headband of Intellect, Ring of Protection, Ring of Regeneration



Ceryph is an ancient warrior who demands respect, as the leader of the Guild of Adventurers he's been there and done that.
Honorable to a fault this old veteran is quite generous and will always help those in need if he is able, but don't let that fool you, he's a stern task master, and is quick to serve justice.
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