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This story is one that must be told. It is a story of obsession, of greed, of unbridled lust for power, and most importantly of ambition. It is a story of one of the most powerful, and by far, one of the most dangerous creatures to have ever opened eyes upon this reality. It is the tale of the Sorcerer named Xonn Valenshire.

Xonn never experienced even a hint of an average life. Perhaps that is why he pushed himself far into the realms of what most people considered impossible, and ultimately knocking on the doors of madness. Xonn was born as the seventh son, into a noble elven family that had unchecked authority over all of Valenshire, but it was never political power that Xonn was after. He wanted it to be absolute and real. So he turned to magic. For sorcerers, being the seventh son is an omen. It is a sign of foretold power, and as such, Xonn was the pride of the Valenshire family. They envisioned him being the head of the Mage's Academy, but it was all for naught. The only aspirations that Xonn Valenshire ever had were his own.

What started his ever ascending rise to supremacy, and ever descending fall into evil? No one knows. Perhaps it was from birth, some inborn abnormal ferocity boiling up from his red dragon heritage. Or maybe it was, as psychotically simple, as seeing something he wanted, but couldn’t have. It ultimately doesn’t really matter.

His ferocious greed for magic disturbed and embarrassed his family. Xonn, however, never gave it a thought. He held no love or loyalty to them, only to himself. He delved deeper, and deeper into nearly forgotten, ancient, and forbidden magic, giving his flesh over to it, so that he could grasp all of his draconic birthright. His uncle, the family magician, became increasingly worried about his descent into darkness. And finally, after an argument over some piece of arcane lore, that his uncle would not allow him access to, with one word, Xonn killed his kin and burnt the entire palace to the ground, but not before he took what knowledge he wanted. Xonn wandered for many decades. He traveled across the world in search of the ever elusive pinnacle of power. Whenever he thought he had it in his grasp and would step up to be the strongest force in existence, there would always be another step left to take. It was monotonous, it was indefinite, it was… maddening.

Until one day, he was at a loss as to where to go. He could feel in his bones that there was some other power out there that was greater than his, but he could not find it. He had never experienced it. He was walking down the street; he liked to be among the peasantry sometimes, when a man walked up to him and grabbed his head. Xonn just stared at him with cold eyes and allowed it, because he knew no fear in this world. The man was a priest of Heironeous who was giving out blessings and asking for alms. The feel of the divine power shot through him and instantly ignited understanding. He grabbed a bag of one hundred pieces of platinum, a fortune to most people, and with a devious grin, tossed it to the priest. Xonn thanked him and then disappeared.

Xonn had finally found the ultimate power, the Gods. He had heard of their exploits, and was certain that he was at least they’re equal. He would approach them on their plane of existence and demand divinity. Who can ever really say what went on, but he must have been turned down. He plotted and schemed and planned his vengeance. When the time was right, he struck like a coiled snake. Which God would he take out? Why of course, Wee Jas the witch Goddess of death and magic. The battle was not an easy one, even for him, but he ultimately triumphed and took her place. He has at last found his pinnacle, but will he be satisfied? Will he settle for being the equal of the other Gods and Goddesses? Who knows?

Xonn Valenshire was by no means good; he was indefinably evil and dangerous, but only to any obstruction in his path. He had no compunction against killing, torturing, or maiming those who stood in his way, on his path to power. But as an example of why he was not all bad, he would never, for any reason, kill children. Who could ever comprehend why, but Xonn Valenshire would never so much as harm a child. Ultimately, he was not the type of evil that was unpredictable. He was not the kind of megalomaniacal tyrant that might kiss you or disintegrate you in any given moment, on a whim. No, you always knew ahead of time exactly how Xonn Valenshire would act, and his reasons for doing so. For those fools that were naive enough to challenge him, there were infinite, excruciating places he could doom a soul. But, for those people that were wise enough to stay behind him and out of his way, he was generous, strong, and an even-handed protector of all things magical.