Untitled Story

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The day began like all the others. Shitty. Dave had been up all night again, raiding with his World of Warcraft guild, and three hours later his alarm was telling him to get up for his summer job. He rolled over and hit the sleep mode, but that only gave him five more minutes of peace.

"David Allan Riley, get up!" His mother called from below. "I'm leaving in thirty minutes, with or without you!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm up!" Dave yelled back, rolling onto his back and throwing an arm over his eyes to shield them from the cheerly fully bright sun burning his retinas. He lay there for a moment, waiting for the spinning in his head to stop. Hanging from the angled roof over his head were two posters. Marilyn Manson stared coldly out of one, his eyes bone white and empty of all feeling. Across from him, on the other side of the roof, a young man with bright orange hair and a black katana battled against a veritable army of demons, the word BLEACH covering the bottom half of the poster.

"Keep at it Ichigo." Dave muttered, grunting as he rolled onto his swide and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He let out a jaw cracking yawn as he stood up and meandered in the general direction of the bathroom, scratching his arm pit. He hit play on his stereo system on the way to the shower, and after a moment the rowdy and soulful power lyrics of Disturbed began to pound through the room.

The shower was quick, in an out of the stall in less then five minutes. He ran a comb through his brown hair a few times until it was more or less hanging straight down to his shoulders. He surveyed his face in the mirror for a minute, making sure the dried drool and sleep lines were gone. Brown eyes with an asian cast, thin eyebrows that angled up at the end Vulcan style and a silver ring piercing his right eyebrow looked pretty damn cool in his opinion. His face had a strong asian cast to it, with pale skin stretched over a sharp jawline, a thin nose and hairless chin. A silver stud sat on the right side of his nose, in the hollow made by his flared nostril.

His cell rang, breaking his concentration from his face. He walked back into his room trailing the towel, ignoring it as it came undown and fell on the ground, mingling with various other articles of clothing that had been tossed there since the last wash. He picked his I-Phone, glacning at the name on the screen before answering. "Hey Stooge."

"Dude, last night was totally fucking epic!" Stooge almost yelled into the phone, causing Dave to wince. "That was my last set of tier nine gear!"

"Yeah man, I know. Listen, I'm getting ready for work, did you need anything in specific?" Dave said, pulling his last set of clean underwear out of the drawer and hopping into them, pulling them up one handed.

"Work? Oh hell, is it that time already!?" Stooge yelled, and there was several thumps from his end.

"Stooge, did you ever actually sleep last night?" Dave asked, pulling on a pair of black jeans. He contemplated pulling up the zipper one handed, but deemed that too dangerous and went rifling through his drawers for a clean shirt.

"Of course not, i'm too keyed man! Hey listen, the coven is getting together tonight, welcoming the new girl. You want in?"

Dave found a black t-shirt with some kind of dragonish design on the front and pulled it ou. "Another night of sitting around a fire smoking cheap weed and drinking cheap beer only to get home and try to pass my mother's sniff test? I don't think so dude. And they aren't a coven, just a bunch of idiots chanting nonsensical bullshit and wearing lots of fake gems." he said, pulling the shirt on.

"You didn't say that last time." Stooge accused around a mouthful of what sounded like cereal.

"I was drunk dumbass. Especially after you tricked me into drinking that shot of vodka. No thank you, i've got a test to study for." Dave responded, pulling on socks and surplus black army boots. His ensemble finished, he grabbed the small basket by his door containing his numerous rings and tromped down the stairs, boots untied, zipper undone and belt hanging loose. Very slick.

"A test? Dude, it's summer vacation!" Stooge protested, followed quickly by the sound of a flushing toilet.

"Uh huh. Well excuse me if I don't want to let my brains rot with heat and excessive drinking before senior year rolls around."